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Occasional Thoughts

Aug 19, 2011

Can we truly be content?

Can we truly be content? Do we want to be? What really is being content? Well, first of all, what I mean by content is happy staying where you are. The defines being content as "satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else." To the hopeful reader this may sound appealing, what is right for them, or maybe even what they have been trying for. However, is this really what you want?

By definition, if you are content, then you are not looking to digress or fall in anyway, but also you are not looking to grow either. If you are content where you are in life, in your job, in your schooling, or almost anything in life, then you will stay exactly where you are for the rest of your life. I dare any of you to talk to your grandparents and ask if they wished things had stayed EXACTLY the way they were when they were your age. The answer would almost certainly be no. If it had they would not have experienced all the great things they had. Perhaps they would not have had your parents, or got a curtain job that helped them support their family.

Now, there is a point to make here that is very important. I am in NO WAY saying this is a reason to look down on, or degrade yourself in anyway! If you look in the mirror and think how disgusting, pathetic, and ugly you are then you are not helping anybody. Especially not yourself. So you may ask, "Well, why would I change myself if I were satisfied?" Because the goal here and in life in general is NOT to be satisfied or content, but to grow; to constantly try to be better. And while you are getting better you should be happy with where and who you are.

Do you think he would have made it where he is today if Bill Gates had been content with his first million dollars? I have no doubt that, at one point,getting a million dollars was one of his goals. If he would have just given up there and said, "Well, I did it. I'm good." he would NOT be where he is today, one of the richest people on this planet. 

If money is not what motivates you, take into consideration Gandhi, or Mother Teressa. Do you think they were the type of people that did one good thing a day then called it quits? Do you think that after one inspirational trip they just kicked there feet back and said, "Man, glad that's over. I should be good for a while."?

I really hope no one misinterprets this post as a way of telling themselves they are not good enough. Because the simple fact is you ARE good enough, but why stop there? Now, I am no picture perfect example of this, but I think what is important is that we understand this concept and at least try to achieve it.

Aug 8, 2011

The ever changing price of happiness

What is the price for success? What is truly considered success? When will I be "OK"? Is it too late for me?

Some of these questions have been resonating in my mind for a few days now. It is my belief that we all ask ourselves these questions and ask them several time throughout our lives, and, indeed, I believe the answer to each question has the ability to change depending on your current stage in life. Our particular circumstances generally end up defining how we feel and what we expect the future to become. So, really, the real question is how do we stay happy?

If our general happiness and outlook on the future is based largely on what your circumstances are at that particular moment, and those circumstances regularly change, how can we stay happy? Is there a constant that we can hold onto? Any religious person would say that God is the only true constant. That our lives are far too complicated and unpredictable to rely on mortality.

On the other hand, a non religious person would say that religion is not constant if there is no God to provide. So they, in turn, would look for something in this life they could hold on to.

What are YOUR thoughts?

One could categorize success as the funds received every month or year, or the feeling of power or importance in their lives. Another would say it is the success of his/her children and their happiness, or the happiness felt from having those children. Yet another may say it is the feeling of freedom of debt and worry of finances.

Truly, I believe it is an individual perspective of what is important to you. I believe it is innate in us to want our posterity to be happy and loved, but I also believe people can push that aside enough to make other things such as money or financial freedom more important. So the question is what is important to you? You may be surprised to realize that, despite what you WANT, something you didn't expect is more important than you supposed.

Now, I believe it is important to realize that NON of these options are necessarily wrong or right. They are merrily priorities. To me, it only become wrong when you neglect one for the other.

I have never searched for riches or fame or any type of riches. All I have ever wanted was to provide for my family, yet I did not realize how important that was to me until I got married. I absolutely HATE the fact that my wife has to work right now in order to pay the bills. So, for right now, obtaining an income is high in my priorities right now. Five years down the road, that may very well change, but as I said earlier it is determined by your current circumstance.

Ultimately, I believe your happiness is dependent on yourself. One can find happiness in the dirt and grime of the world if his/her priorities are on what they wish. Anyone that knows me knows that I, myself, struggle with this, but I do believe it. I am not saying it is easy, and I AM saying that you wont get it right away. In fact, you may get it one moment and then something may happen and you may have to rediscover it, but I do believe it is there.

Aug 3, 2011

So what if it rains!

So, this past week I have been in Portland, Oregon. It is sooooo beautiful there! Green as far as the eyes can see! I lived in Oregon for 2 years and loved every minute of it. In fact, I hope to actually move there one day with my wife. I love the feeling I get when I am there. And, yes, I know that it rains ALL THE TIME there, but I can't help but love it.

In going there this last time it really made me think about how we as humans view things. If any of you have ever been to Portland you know that it is full of WIERDOS! Everyone there seems to try and outdo the other in wierdness. It is truly a place of variety and diversity. Once could easily look at all the strange people in Portland and say something like "I could never live here, there are just so many wierdos!" In my point of view, those weirdos are the ones that give spice to the world. Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone was just cut and dry? One may not like the different people because they have a different opinion about things you feel strongly about. That may be true, but that is no reason to shun them, or berate their opinion. Everyone has different view points and we should use those view points to see around the obstacles in front of us.

Another thing I thought of was the fact that it rains all the time there. A Lot of people would hate that and say it would depress them. I know about depression. i have suffered with it all my life. There are somethings that you can not change with it. And it is true that some things with depression are very chemical, but there is also alot of it that is physiological. It may rain a lot in your life, but ultimately it is your perspective that really matters. When I hear people talk about Oregon and how they hate the rain all I can think is if it wasn't for "All that rain" it would NOT be green and beautiful!! The cup can be half full you know. lol So when the rains of life weigh you down, try to take a look at what will grow from it after.