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Occasional Thoughts

Feb 8, 2011

The Super Bowl's Darth Vader

Last Sunday at the Superbowl a commercial aired that I think won the best commercial award. It featured a boy dressed up as Darth Vader and trying his best to use his powers, but nothing works. Then, when his dad comes home, he tries again on his dad's Volkswagen. The boy is surprised to find out his powers worked when his dad pushes the button on his key chain remote to start the car. (Click the video at the end if you have not seen it.)

I love the commercial and I fell in love with the boy when I watched his interview on the Today Show (Found here) He is a cute little boy who has made it pretty far despite his age.

This boy is an inspiration to me for one particular purpose. As it mentions in the interview, he has a heart defect and even has to use a pacemaker. He was born with what we would call "Disadvantages" but still manages to be a happy little boy and has even done more commercials than most actors and out there do in (Dare I say) a lifetime!

His name is Max Page and he is truly an inspiration. Rock on Max!!


Rebecca E. said...

Sorry deleted the wrong comment. I liked this video so glad you posted it. It's fun to find new blogs to follow.

Unknown said...

No problem! Be sure to tell your friends about it ;)

Mandy said...

he's so freakin' cute. did you know he hasn't seen star wars!!! crazy! lol

Adams said...

Don't you think he looks like little Elton? He even talks like him!

Unknown said...

haha I can see it. But he hasn't even seen star wars!... Not little elton there lol

Apeeee said...

That kid is so stinkin' cute! And actually my first thought was that he could totally be Luke Skywalkers kid!!! Well, the actor that played Luke Skywalker that is! He totally looks like him!

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