Wow. All I have to say to this is "WOW!" Apparently 'A-Rod', the Yankee's super star player, was mad at the camera man that caught Cameron Diaz feeding him pop corn during the Superbowl. (New York Post)
Are you serious? This spoiled $275 million dollar contracted player, with a super star (And super hot) girl by his side is COMPLAINING about her being nice and sweet to him? All I have to say is he doesn't deserve to have a cute gesture like that happen to him.
All in all though this just makes me appreciate the fact that I am not rich. Yes, I said it. I have never been big on money. Sure I love stuff, but over all if I could get rid of money all together I would. Money corrupts. Alex Rodriguez is a great example. I do not believe it is JUST the money that made him the self involved jerk he is, but I can guarantee you it had a large part.
Lets all try to appreciate the fact that we are not rich and spoiled like this self involved cry baby.
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