Can we truly be content? Do we want to be? What really is being content? Well, first of all, what I mean by content is happy staying where you are. The defines being content as "satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else." To the hopeful reader this may sound appealing, what is right for them, or maybe even what they have been trying for. However, is this really what you want?
By definition, if you are content, then you are not looking to digress or fall in anyway, but also you are not looking to grow either. If you are content where you are in life, in your job, in your schooling, or almost anything in life, then you will stay exactly where you are for the rest of your life. I dare any of you to talk to your grandparents and ask if they wished things had stayed EXACTLY the way they were when they were your age. The answer would almost certainly be no. If it had they would not have experienced all the great things they had. Perhaps they would not have had your parents, or got a curtain job that helped them support their family.
Now, there is a point to make here that is very important. I am in NO WAY saying this is a reason to look down on, or degrade yourself in anyway! If you look in the mirror and think how disgusting, pathetic, and ugly you are then you are not helping anybody. Especially not yourself. So you may ask, "Well, why would I change myself if I were satisfied?" Because the goal here and in life in general is NOT to be satisfied or content, but to grow; to constantly try to be better. And while you are getting better you should be happy with where and who you are.
Do you think he would have made it where he is today if Bill Gates had been content with his first million dollars? I have no doubt that, at one point,getting a million dollars was one of his goals. If he would have just given up there and said, "Well, I did it. I'm good." he would NOT be where he is today, one of the richest people on this planet.
If money is not what motivates you, take into consideration Gandhi, or Mother Teressa. Do you think they were the type of people that did one good thing a day then called it quits? Do you think that after one inspirational trip they just kicked there feet back and said, "Man, glad that's over. I should be good for a while."?
I really hope no one misinterprets this post as a way of telling themselves they are not good enough. Because the simple fact is you ARE good enough, but why stop there? Now, I am no picture perfect example of this, but I think what is important is that we understand this concept and at least try to achieve it.
Love Bugs
1 year ago
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